24ora - Prome Den Noticia
3 days ago · 24ora ta e website lider di noticia di Aruba. Nos ta provee e ultimo noticianan, video, cobertura bibo y hopi mas.
24ora - Prome Den Noticia | English - 24ora
5 days ago · The Aruba Conservation Foundation, in collaboration with local partners ScubbleBubbles Foundation and the University of Aruba, along with international partner Wageningen University & Research, proudly presents the documentary Turning the …
Vuelo di Wingo a cancela: Mas cu 130 pasahero a keda sin yega …
19 hours ago · Abordo tabatin un cantidad grandi di Rubiano cu tabatin planea pa bay pasa weekend na Bogota. Total, ta mas di 130 pasahero a keda tera. Entre nan, tin tres persona cu a yega riba e vuelo for di Bogota, pero Migracion a nenga nan entrada, pues nan tambe lo pasa anochi na Aruba.
Politica Archives | 24ora - Prome Den Noticia
Den su calidad di Presidente di Parlamento, mr. Gerlien Croes, tabata presente durante e Ceremonia Protocolar riba Plaza Betico Croes, felicitando e pueblo di Aruba riba e dia nacional aki …
Politics Archives | English - 24ora
In a formal ceremony on Wednesday morning, Shailiny Tromp-Lee, President of Parliament, oversaw the swearing-in of Aruba’s 12th parliamentary constellation, emphasizing the need for wisdom in serving the nation.
Local Archives | English - 24ora
The upcoming 20-florin price increase for domestic gas cylinders, set to take effect on February 15, has sparked public concern. Many citizens worry about how the higher cost will impact their household budgets, while Arugas has provided an explanation for the necessary adjustment.
24ora - Primero en la noticia | Español - 24ora
Auto se incendia en el centro de la ciudad 27 agosto, 2024 El lunes por la noche, alrededor de las 7:20 pm, tanto la policía como los bomberos respondieron rápidamente…
Obituario Archives | 24ora - Prome Den Noticia
Jan 30, 2025 · Con mucho tristeza y pesar, comunicamos el sensible fallecimento de nuestro amado esposo, padre, hermano, tío y abuelo: Enzo Pezzi*27-12-1946 – †25-01-2025 Nietos, cuñados, sobrinos y demás familiares invitan a …
International Archives | English - 24ora
An earthquake was reported early this morning. While the epicenter was not in Aruba, its effects were felt on the island. According to data from the Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research, the earthquake struck 6 km southeast of Cabo San Román at 4:47 am.
Suceso Archives | 24ora - Prome Den Noticia
Den careda di 4:40 pm riba Avenida Nelson Orlando Oduber un motociclista a resulta herida, pero di menos gravedad. E motociclista a cay cu su brommer, pero kico a conduci …