does CBD affect bearded dragons the same way it affects humans
Sep 21, 2024 · I have seen several people who have had a lot of positive effects on their dragons using CBD oil. It is safe & is slowly being used more on reptiles as well as other animals. I can dig up a link talking about reptile use & the dosage also. Tracie
Bearded Dragon Care & Community
Feb 8, 2024 · Some bearded dragons dislike water and get stressed by baths. In those situations, it may be necessary to slowly drip droplets of water on their snout using a dropper and wait for them to lick it up (assuming your dragon is showing signs of dehydration). All bearded dragons should receive daily fresh feeder insects/worms and greens/veggies.
Bearded Dragon Heating Guide
Oct 17, 2021 · Some examples of inappropriate and dangerous colored basking bulbs include Zilla’s Day Blue Light and Exo Terra’s Infrared Basking Spot. These may work for other reptile species but need to be avoided with bearded dragons. Non-tinted/coated white bulbs are the only safe choice when it comes to bearded dragons.
What foods are fattening for bearded dragons? | Feeding
Jan 14, 2014 · This doesn't apply to superworms either since you shouldn't feed those to dragons under 16 inches long at all. So say the space is 1/2 inch, a 3/4 inch or even 1 inch soft bodied worm like a silkworm, butterworm, hornworm, phoenix worm should be fine although if you want to cut them, you sure can.
Bearded Dragons and cannabis | Feeding
Sep 15, 2021 · He grows not only cannabis but also peppermint, basil, and some flowers that bearded dragons also like. I'd never have guessed to let my lizard try eating cannabis leaves, mint, or flowers. I'm not as resourceful as my botanist friend. But I've already tried so many with the plants he brought that my bearded dragons have become finicky, spoiled.
Bearded dragons and Air fresheners. | Health
Jun 3, 2024 · Hi, i left to go to the store and came back to an apple cinnamon air freshener plugged near my bearded dragons enclosure because my brother isnt so knowledgeable on reptiles. Buddy is a rescue dragon (7-8 month old) i recently rescued. Hes in a small 20 gal quarantine enclosure kind of near...
What kind of sand is safe for my dragon? | Enclosures
Mar 30, 2009 · And this, ONLY for adult dragons, 1 1/2 - 2 years and up. No sand whatsoever is recommended for babies and/or juveniles. Safest substrates for beardies are repti-carpet, slate, tile, shelf liner, or just plain old paper towel.
can I use coconut fiber as substrate? | Enclosures - Bearded …
Apr 7, 2015 · When beardies snatch up their food they may also eat some of the fibre, which can be a hazard. I use coconut fibre with my blue tongue but their eating style is completely different. I use fake grass as a substrate with my bearded dragon and both grass and peat areas for my southern angle-headed dragons.
Is paint safe for bearded dragons? | Health
May 19, 2018 · water based, Low VOC acrylic Especially the acrylic paint for kids. pretty much the main things. if you want to varnish it then a water based / low VOC varnish make sure it's nontoxic. Paint wise, acrylic
Scented Candles and Bearded Dragons | Health
Sep 22, 2019 · An all-in-one guide to caring for your bearded dragons. Shinryu; Updated: Apr 18, 2023; Latest posts.