American Arbitration Association | ADR.org
A not-for-profit organization and world’s largest provider of arbitration, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services.
AAA Rules, Forms & Fees | ADR.org
Since our founding, the AAA has been at the forefront of the development and refinement of the court-tested rules and procedures that are the bedrock of any successful alternative dispute resolution process.
AAA File and Access Your Case | ADR.org
Seamlessly file a case online with AAA using an online demand form, an arbitration agreement and the filing fee. File a Case Now Filing a No-Fault Insurance case?
American Arbitration Association - Wikipedia
The American Arbitration Association (AAA) is a non-profit organization focused in the field of alternative dispute resolution, providing services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court, and one of several arbitration …
AAA-ICDR New York Regional Office | ADR.org
Hearings may take a hybrid approach, where some arbitrators, parties, representatives, and others appear in person while others participate virtually. The AAA-ICDR can assist with these alternative hearing arrangements. Video Conferencing Technology. The New York City Regional Office is outfitted with the following video conferencing technology:
Class Action Case Docket - ADR
The Class Arbitration Docket will provide certain information about the arbitration to the extent known to the AAA, including: a copy of the demand for arbitration; the identities of the parties;
AAA Arbitration | ADR.org
Arbitration—the out-of-court resolution of a dispute between parties to a contract, decided by an impartial third party (the arbitrator)—is faster and more cost effective than litigation. AAA cases are often settled prior to the arbitrator’s decision—and nearly half of those cases incur no arbitrator compensation .
This excerpt of Standard Clauses from our website can be used when drafting an arbitration agreement applying the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). These clauses are modeled on the standard recommended arbitration clauses of the AAA and ICDR, and have integrated notes with
AAA-ICDR ® Arbitration Administrative Fee Calculator
AAA-ICDR ® Arbitration Administrative Fee Calculator The AAA-ICDR Administrative Fee Calculator calculates estimated administrative fees for cases under the AAA® Commercial Rules, AAA Construction Rules, and ICDR® International Procedures.
Sep 1, 2022 · The amended AAA Commercial Rules and Mediation Procedures, effective September 1, 2022, represents a two-year endeavor by an internal AAA working group, with contributions from the AAA’s case-management and administrative groups, party surveys, arbitrators, and the Law and Practice and LCC Committees of the AAA-ICDR ® Council.