Newark rallies against massive new ICE detention center

Newark Mayor Ras Baraka delivered pushback immediately, although stopping the President Donald Trump deportation juggernaut ...
But it’s all bark and no bite, according to civil rights and immigration lawyers, immigrants' advocates, and the government itself, who say the removal “warrants” carry no legal authority granting ICE ...
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka is making a bid to stake out the progressive lane in the six-person race for the Democratic ...
When parsing out voters by ideological lean, the poll found that Baraka, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and Rep. Mikie ...
A progressive organization’s Zoom event with Newark Mayor Ras Baraka to discuss his campaign for New Jersey governor was ...
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka is positioning his candidacy for New Jersey governor in a crowded Democratic field as a journey to a more progressive future.
There’s a private interest behind the detention and the incarceration of our community,” said an activist protesting the ...