"I first met Hanna during my first year as a school counselor while working under her mother ... and national recognition is a testament to her influence in the profession and the people she ...
And we’ve got to step it back up.” - The late Winkie Mitchell, advocate, encourager and counselor of youth To be under the influence is often not a constructive thing. But for a child not to ...
Clinical trials have been delayed, contracts canceled and support staff fired. With deeper cuts coming, some are warning of ...
AAA found in a survey that 84.8% of people who use cannabis drive the same day that they consume cannabis. 53% said they ...
The Fall of Ruby Franke,” exposes the disturbing reality behind one of YouTube’s most infamous family vloggers. The series ...
Defense lawyers will often seek to get a driving-under-the-influence charge reduced to reckless driving to avoid a loss of license, mandatory driving classes and substance use counseling ...
High-profile Republican priorities are advancing after the Iowa Legislature's first "funnel" deadline on Friday, while others ...
While “Holland on the Hill” may not have the same ring in Georgia, an assemblage of Dutch under the (Gold) Dome March 3 ...
Addressing social determinants of health (SDoH) is becoming increasingly important due to new regulations from the Centers ...
In a Friday interview with The Daily, University president Jonathan Levin ’94 commented on the storm of policies under President ... of the Bridge peer counseling center, a student mental ...
Education International (EI) member organisations from Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines came ...
Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial ... don’t require residencies at all. Mental health counseling students train under the supervision of an experienced practitioner during ...