Marlon Dingle, portrayed by Mark Charnock, has been a fixture on the soap since 1996. As the son of Albert Dingle (Bobby Knutt), the Woolpack chef has won the hearts of many fans. Over the years ...
Marlon Dingle, portrayed by Mark Charnock, has been a fixture in the soap since 1996. As Albert Dingle's (Bobby Knutt) son and the Woolpack's resident chef, Marlon has won over fans' hearts.
Emmerdale has hinted at a tragic twist with the potential death of a Dales legend. Marlon Dingle, played by Mark Charnock, has been a mainstay on the soap since 1996. As the son of Albert Dingle ...
Emmerdale viewers believe they've pieced together a future storyline involving the discovery of a body at a gravesite where Cain Dingle is seen mourning. Nate Robinson, who exited the soap last ...
As the younger brother of Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock), Eli became a firm-favourite with viewers. He also played a part in several big storylines too, including sleeping with cousin Debbie (Charley ...
A doctor claims that she can tell the size of a man’s penis by looking at his nose, dismissing age-old myths surrounding hand and foot dimensions. Dr Rena Malik, a urologist from California, made ...
Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is devastated over the disappearance of daughter April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan), while Ruby Fox-Miligan (Beth Cordingly) faces trauma and turmoil over her past.
As Emmerdale’s legendary Marlon Dingle, actor Mark Charnock has been at the centre of some of the soap’s most hard-hitting storylines over three decades. From suffering a stroke two years ago ...
Unlike a 90-minute film or a two-part drama, it has the space to explore the mundane moments. For Mark Charnock, who plays April’s father Marlon Dingle, the real grief lies there. “It’s those moments ...
Emmerdale fans believe they have figured out the identity of Zak Dingle's long-lost son, Nathan and he's reportedly a well-known face in the village. After the untimely passing of Steve Halliwell ...
With cold and flu season in full swing, many people are turning to teas for a bit of respiratory relief. One drink that people swear by at Starbucks has been dubbed the "medicine ball" for its ...