North Korea halts tourism

The country has halted international trips to a city near its border with China, travel agencies said, abruptly reversing Pyongyang's recent decision to reopen its frontier to tourism after five years ...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea appears close to completing its first airborne early warning aircraft, satellite ...
An attack on South Korean reactors or spent fuel storage pools would release large amounts of radioactivity and cause massive ...
The American bomber was refueled on the ground with its engines still running, enabling it to quickly take off again.
A report says a fleet of Chinese fishing vessels used North Korean crews in violation of U.N. bans and many were apparently ...
In February 2024, North Korea accepted about 100 Russian tourists, the first foreign nationals to visit the country for ...
U.N. Security Council sanctions ban the use of North Korean labor, over concerns remittances fuel Kim Jong Un's nuclear and ...
Visitors were taken to Rason, in the country’s special economic zone, on a five-day trip organised by Beijing-based Koryo ...
In the early 2000s, Russia and China had heeded US preferences regarding the Korean Peninsula by engaging in multilateralism with the Six-Party Talks to deal ...