And already in the first fortnight of March, 609 cases have been reported. There were 683 cases in the whole month of March ...
Children under 4 years old shouldn’t use over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, the FDA has warned. So what do you do ...
For most children, symptoms may be controlled by avoiding the allergen, if known, and using nonprescription medicines. But if a child's symptoms are persistent and not relieved by nonprescription ...
This week at UPMC Children’s Community Pediatrics is seeing an increase in cases of strep throat and stomach virus. WellSpan ...
Does taking vitamin C really make a difference to winter colds and flu, or does it just empty your wallet? Niki Bezzant investigates.
Birds in the United States can be affected by avian flu, also called H5N1 bird flu or avian influenza. But can it affect your family?
THE EARLY STAGES of measles can resemble a cold or flu. Seven to 14 days after exposure, people may have a high fever (over ...
There has been a steep surge in flu like cases in all of Delhi-NCR with people complaining of fever, cough, cold and other ...
Every child who is 6 months or older should get an annual flu shot. Babies and older children are at especially high risk of ...
NY's 2025 flu season shattered record-highs, topping more than 432,700 cases by March 1. But here's why that peak may mean an ...
In more severe cases, the infection can lead to breathing difficulties, especially for elderly individuals and those with pre ...