Suffolk County and BusPatrol mailed a ticket to a Missouri man who said neither he â€” nor his Audi â€” had ever driven on Long ...
The school bus safety program is a collaboration between the school district, the Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office, and BusPatrol, ...
A bipartisan bill being proposed in Colorado has the goal of catching more drivers who illegally pass a school bus.
New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
A man was hospitalized after being hit by a school bus near Roswell High School, according to Roswell police. Police said ...
A Grady County middle school student is now charged after bringing a knife onto a school bus Tuesday morning. The student, ...
Officers and medics responded to a crash near a school bus barn in Dayton on Wednesday. Dayton officers were dispatched ...