And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months — you can practice hygge all year long.
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We weathered the winter weather together Twin Tiers! It looks like the six weeks of extra Winter panned out from the famous rodent. And now get ready for the big Spring ...
That's the date of the vernal equinox, when both hemispheres of the Earth receive the same amount of daylight, according to ...
Punxsutawney Phil, the world-renowned mascot of Groundhog Day and the predictor of spring’s arrival said there were six more ...
America’s most famous rodent, Phil, emerged from his den, turned around, and went right back to bed. I think I know how he ...
Over three decades after the release of the classic film Groundhog Day, actor Bill Murray has opened up about a memorable ...
Bill Murray has put in some tremendous performances in iconic films like Ghostbusters, Stripes and Scrooged. Another famous ...
On the first day shooting “The Rivals of Amziah King,” Matthew McConaughey, his right eye swollen from a bee sting, walked onto the set, raised his hand and asked, “Is anybody else nervous except for ...
No, your power didn't go out — the time changed to daylight saving time! For some, daylight saving time is a sign that spring ...