Alice Weidel csodálója Margaret Thatchernek, Angela Merkelt tartja felelősnek a Németország jelenlegi helyzetéért. Egyetért ...
Horn Gábor, a Republikon Alapítvány kuratóriumi elnöke szerint sokkal visszafogottabb Magyar Pétert láthattunk a Partizán ...
Olyan meggyőzően mondta Magyar a Partizánban, hogy kampányüzemmódban vannak, hogy elhiszem, őszintén követeli.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is hosting Alice Weidel, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party's candidate for ...
Viktor Orbán, once Hungarian democracy’s greatest champion, is now its greatest enemy, while Republicans in America cheer on ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán hosted the leader of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany party, Alice Weidel in Budapest on Wednesday, an unprecedented gesture from a European leader to ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday. Orban, an ally of US President Donald Trump, said in statements on state radio that his government was going "line by line" through organizations ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban hailed the leader of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party as an ally who could help "lift the boot" of Brussels from Hungary's chest, welcoming her less ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday. Orbán, an ally of U.S. President Donald Trump, said in statements on state radio that his government was going “line by line” through ...
Orban, who has been in power since 2010, passed a law in late 2023 that set up an authority, the Sovereignty Protection Office, to explore and monitor risks of what it called political interference.
BUDAPEST: Hungary will take steps to ensure that all aid funding coming from the United States to NGOs and media critical of the government would be revealed, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told ...
BUDAPEST - Hungary's government will offer free grants to hundreds of thousands of pensioners in rural areas to renovate their homes, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday as the veteran ...