Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, Times Square in Midtown and 125th Street in Harlem among others – is falling as cops make ...
“In a world of limited resources, you can’t flood the zone across a four-square-mile precinct ... crime data to map areas around “crime clusters,” Michael Lipetri, the NYPD’s chief ...
The book is an oral history, in which Moskos briefly introduces each chapter and then lets his sources, ranging from former ...
Parking is always a topic of discussion in the city.  Neighbors and drivers are always watching spaces on the streets. A ...
The map also shows just how dangerous the intersection of Union ... “We monitor the lights and signage around the perimeter of campus, and notify the local NYPD precinct and 311 when we notice any ...
"We are getting back to the basics of policing, and that starts at the precinct-level and in the neighborhoods we serve," NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch said in a statement to Newsday.