Other ways to reach the castle include taking the Urban Train, riding the No. 32 bus to the Ljubljanski grad stop or biking or walking from the Ljubljana Old Town neighborhood, though several ...
The finding may open a whole new world in the study of Alzheimer's disease, said biophysicist Aneta Stefanovska.
V Galeriji S na Ljubljanskem gradu je na ogled fotografska razstava Ljubljana - mesto v zelenem, ki jo je pripravil Muzej ...
Lani je grajski grič v prestolnici obiskalo 1,3 milijona ljudi, velika večina tujcev, najdražje doživetje traja kar tri dni.
Plavajoči hišici na Ljubljanici, ki sta bili postavljeni pred tremi leti, še vedno ne služita svojemu namenu. Parkirani sta ...
Additional attractions in the riverside town include Grad Sevnica, a 12th-century castle ... Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital, which was about a ...
The full cast has been announced joining West End stars Colette Guitart and Tobias Turley for the UK premiere of the ...
Ob Celovški cesti, za avtobusno postajo Stare cerkve, gradijo novo binkoštno cerkev. Na mestu, kjer je sakralni prostor ...
How people earn a degree has changed drastically in Southeastern Europe (SEE) over the last two decades. Once seen as an unconventional choice, online degrees a ...
This self-fulfilling prophecy that prep school is the only ticket to the pros exists because coaches, players and families ...
Večina pešpoti na Ljubljanski grad ostaja zaprtih do vključno petka med 7.30 in 17. uro. Grad je v tem času dostopen izključno z vzpenjačo, ki vozi med 9. in 22. uro. Z oddelka za gozdarstvo ...