So spoke R.K Shanmukham Chetty (alternatively spelled Chettiar), the first Finance Minister of free India, as he presented the newly independent nation’s first full budget to the Indian Parliament on ...
A counterfactual is thinking about something that might have happened but did not happen. As we celebrate yet another ...
Manmohan Singh, India's 13th PM, was a visionary leader who pursued economic reforms and sought reconciliation with Pakistan ...
While security concerns are important, the strategy is not security-centric but pays equal attention to diplomatic, political ...
By the river Icchamati, where history divides and unites, the remnants of the Taki Zamindari House stand as a testament to a ...
On the fateful day of January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse near Birla House in New Delhi ...
We can learn from the unique South Asian leader. I discuss three of these insights: first, Gandhi’s approach to accommodating ...
Over the years, various governments have tried to strike a balance between economic growth and social equality through ...
Canadas Constitution is as silent as a winter morning on how a provinceor the entire nation, for that mattercould secede and ...
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. Godse believed Gandhi’s policies favoured Muslims and weakened India. He ...
The exhibition, Khula Aasman, is a visceral journey through the fault lines of memory and migration, tied to the cataclysmic rupture of Partition.