It isn’t uncommon for your asthma symptoms to shift with the seasons. Find out more about how to handle cold-induced asthma.
A WOMAN has revealed the £4.20 hack she used to banish dangerous mould from her bathroom. With temperatures plummeting this week, you may have noticed that the cold weather has caused condensation ...
The best cold medicine won't cure your virus, but it will help you manage your symptoms. These OTC options should stay ...
Children under 4 years old shouldn’t use over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, the FDA has warned. So what do you do ...
In early stages, measles can easily go undetected, potentially putting your patients and your community at risk.
Cold germs from someone’s nose or cough can live on surfaces for hours to days, depending on many factors. Learn which ...
I have a head cold. It’s not COVID. It’s not the flu. It’s not RSV. It’s not pneumonia. It’s a head cold, the term my family ...
Tree pollen season has begun in South Carolina while cold and flu viruses are still circulating, which can confuse patients.
The woman "ordered the victim to get out on a balcony while he was naked, and confined him there," officials said.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am on a low-sodium diet by choice. I do not add salt to anything, except when I bake for others. I have ...
My nose opens up, and it never progresses into any of the more unpleasant symptoms. My surmise is this: There is a causal ...