At the Kerala Literature Festival in Kozhikode earlier this month, the Aam Aadmi Party leader and author of ‘The Delhi Model’ spoke about prioritizing human capital, the efforts his party has made in ...
With sugarcane plantations being a source of air pollution, viral images of farmers taking selfies while a field of sugarcane ...
Air pollution might protect against the most dangerous type of skin cancer, melanoma, a new study finds. However, it's ...
In Cincinnati’s low-income neighborhoods, breathing is not just a natural act—it’s a health hazard. Local experts say residents in these areas are exposed to air pollution levels that far exceed ...
An advisory about fine particle air pollution from the highest-ranking physician in the United States would be a powerful ...
A Swedish startup, Adsorbi, has developed a process using wood-based material to clean indoor air, and now has financing that the company says will help it build a pilot plant.