To make a direct call to United States From Switzerland, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling United States mobile or land line from Switzerland. To call United States from Switzerland ...
The president of the Swiss Radical Party has expressed concern over the reliability of the United States. “Within a short space of time, Donald Trump has elevated uncertainty to a political principle,” Thierry Burkart told the Tamedia newspapers on Thursday.
Six months ago, the United Nations General Assembly asked Switzerland to organise a conference on the fourth Geneva Convention, which offers protection to civilians in armed conflicts, to address the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories. The request was triggered by the Israeli-Palestinian war, which was still raging at the time.
An Idaho Falls native paralyzed in a Swiss skiing accident remains stranded in a Bern, Switzerland, hospital after his original flight back home was canceled.
Switzerland has invited 196 states who are parties to the Geneva Conventions to participate in a conference next week on the situation of civilians living in the Israeli occupied territories, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.