It is the original example of a group of diseases, known as the "transmissible spongiform encephalopathies" (TSE), sometimes known as the "prion" diseases. The diseases include Creutzfeldt Jakob ...
Among the animal spongiform encephalopathies -- scrapies, transmissible mink encephalopathy, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) -- BSE is certainly the disease that has wreaked the most ...
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Manitowoc County Deer Advisory Council are co-hosting a public meeting at 6 p.m. Feb. 4 at Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve. At the meeting, ...
The CDC states that CWD is a prion disease or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Other TSEs include bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease” in cattle and scrapie in sheep ...
It’s classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and is similar to scrapie in sheep, mad cow disease in cattle and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, according to the Game ...