Two Israeli soldiers were killed and six others were wounded on Tuesday morning in a shooting operation near the village of ...
A reporter joined IDF troops in Palestinian hotbeds in Judea and Samaria and discovered why Israel's “Operation Iron Wall” is essential.
The Israeli army demolished nearly 20 residential buildings in Jenin refugee camp, marking the largest destruction of its kind since the 2002 ...
During Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, the IDF used a similar strategy called the "neighbor protocol," in which Palestinians were sent into homes to search for booby traps or to locate ...
"Operation Defensive Shield." 1 Other civilians had similar testimony. Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations have reported incidents in which the IDF coerced civilians to assist ...
1992. D 1.2: P 43 WIU (v. 1,2,3) Dependence on the Persian Gulf A revealing study conducted prior to the Operation Desert Shield/Storm campaigns that reports on the vulnerability and dependence of the ...