President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans may no longer be pushing to wholly repeal Obamacare, but big cuts to the ...
But that's not the issue here. The issue here is, should health-care reform in its entirety be threatened by an asterisk? The answer is no. (Threatened by its overall long-term cost? Maybe ...
The following open letter was presented July 22 to Congress by Rochester Minn. based Mayo Clinic CEO and others. The group believes value and quality should be rewarded, not quantity. Inflation of ...
The Obama team succumbed to temptation, seizing upon the recession as an opportunity to cram through a big health-care reform—a dream of Democrats since the 1940s. A free daily email with the ...
President Trump says he'd improve US healthcare if he could. Extend tax breaks and rein-in insurers, for starters.
Obamacare is similar to the conservative alternative offered by Republicans in response to the Clinton-era attempt at health care reform. Both Obama and the 1990’s Republicans favor an ...
“Health-care reform’s going to be a big part of the ... An attendee then asked Johnson: “No Obamacare?” referring to the ACA.
Trump never used the word “reform” in his convention speech over the summer, nor in his inaugural address last month. He spoke for an hour and a half at his September rally in Savannah, for example, ...
Nearly 24 million people have signed up for Affordable Care Act plans for ... vowed to kill the landmark health reform law and took multiple steps to make Obamacare less attractive and accessible.
The best thing for America's future would be if Biden's brand of healthcare reform left office ... mic telling President Barack Obama that that the Affordable Care Act was a "big f***ing deal." ...
Nearly 24 million people have signed up for Affordable Care Act plans for ... vowed to kill the landmark health reform law and took multiple steps to make Obamacare less attractive and accessible.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, has reached a historic ... conditions and ongoing discussions about healthcare reform in the United States. According to recent data ...