We've all wondered if you actually can catch a cold just from being out in cold weather - and now Dr Amir Khan has revealed whether it really is true or not. It's that time of year again when we're ...
"She says if I go outside in cold weather I will catch a cold - but is she right?" Dr Khan posed to his 41,000 followers on the platform. "Well, the answer is yes and no," he responded. He ...
Did you know that by the time you hit 75, you've probably suffered from 200 colds and spent around two years of your life coughing and sneezing? The good news is you catch fewer colds the older ...
So if there's a sudden icy snap, we will be more likely to feel the cold and start to shiver. 'Shivering depresses the immune system and this makes us more likely to catch colds. Also, lower ...
Many of us will likely remember our mothers warning us: "Don’t go out without a coat or you’ll catch a cold!". While some may have dismissed the plea as an old wives' tale (just like how eating ...
Jeff Siner [email protected] If your grandmother ever warned, “You’ll catch your death of cold” if you weren’t wearing a hat or left your house with wet hair, we have news for you.
As a result, more people tend to catch colds and the flu in the winter. This does not necessarily stem from the cold itself; it is more about increased transmission than a direct impact on immune ...