The issue came up during a hearing on the future of the EPA program that cleans up and revitalizes contaminated industrial ...
An Energy and Commerce panel this week will discuss a reauthorization that would emphasize the redevelopment of former ...
The city is seeking millions in state clean-up funding for three properties that, if developed, would add 402 new apartments ...
Senate Bill 307 would allow the Indiana Brownfields Program to be used to study brownfields and to create a statewide ...
The National Association of Farm Broadcasting has awarded $33,000 in internship grants to 11 farm broadcasting stations and ...
Key changes to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Brownfields Program under the legislation would include: As part of this, maximum site cleanup grants would be doubled from $500,000 to ...
A brownfield grant will help fund abatement and demolition activities on the site of the former Cuyahoga County Juvenile ...
The town of Tazewell’s administrative staff recently collaborated with the Town of Tazewell’s Industrial/Economic Development Authority on the submission of an application for grant funding to be ...
A Wisconsin program that trains new meat processors remains popular.  Wisconsin continues to see demand for its Meat Talent ...