People's ability to interpret emotions or focus on performing a task is reduced by short-term exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution, potentially making everyday activities, such as the ...
Long-term exposure to PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and ozone (O3) air pollution is associated with more hospital admissions for lower respiratory tract infections in adults.
A new study finds that short-term air pollution exposure harms brain function, reducing focus and emotion recognition.
Air pollution is a growing health issue worldwide, and its impacts are often underestimated in aging societies like Japan.
A colleague had been studying how air pollution around the university harms the hearts and lungs of mice, and had asked Cory-Slechta to check the animals’ brains for damage. As a specialist in ...
The World Health Organization 2024 report recently urged world leaders to “reduce pollution-related diseases and cut carbon emissions,” considering that air pollution—particularly extremely ...
7 vs .6), but air frying came out on top. Lead author Christian Pfrang said, "There are a number of factors that will affect the levels of pollution from cooking alongside the method used ...